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How To Use Beard Oil

Just like we love to go to the barbershop and have our favorite barber work their magic, we need to attach the same love for the beards. Facial hair does matter.

A well-groomed beard is fantastic to have, and for the on-lookers, a tourist attraction.

Using beard oil is a great way to keep your beard looking healthy with a blend of various oils. With the right amount, a bit of beard oil will soften your whiskers, hydrate your beard to eliminate itching and reduce split ends.

Growing facial hair is hard as it is already; maintaining it should not be more problematic. Whiskers are a recipe for discomfort and are also very prickly. But, lest we forget, self-care is essential.

One thing we want to talk about getting rid of is a dry and rough beard.

Applying beard oil

  1. The best time to use beard oil is when you have finished showering or thoroughly washed your face because the skin pores are open, and the beard and skin beneath the beard can efficiently absorb the oil.

  2. Dry up the beard thoroughly. We very well know that water and oil do not mix. So Pat down your face and beard dry if you want to realize the benefits of using beard oil.

  3. The right amount of oil is vital. Too much oil will make the beard oily, while too little oil will keep the beard dry. One month of beard growth: 3-4 drops. One to three months of beard growth: 4-6 drops. Three to twelve months of beard growth: 6-10 drops. If your beard is one year or older, you may need to use ten drops or more.

  4. Do a full facial massage. Yes, the entire face. On top of rubbing your hand through your beard for even distribution, extend the goodness to the rest of the face. A properly formulated beard oil with Vitamin E will also do wonders for your skin. Most people assume oil-based products will clog your pores and leave a greasy residue, but premium beard oils use non-comedogenic ingredients that won’t clog your pores. If acne is a concern, check the ingredient list before applying and avoid beard oils containing comedogenic ingredients (like coconut oil).

  1. Leave no trace or drop of oil unused. If you are content with the amount of oil that your beard has gotten, rub the rest of the oil in your hand in your hair. Your scalp will benefit from this extra love and also those dry elbows.

  2. Finally, use a brush to align the beard. Brush it out. Use a brush or a comb to shape your beard.

Climate is one of the factors that need to be taken into account when applying beard oil. Drier climates are more likely to dry out your beards, and this calls for more frequent usage. Conversely, your beard is less likely to dry out; therefore, you can apply the oil every two days.

Here’s a ProTip from Stubble And Stache; take a nice warm shower before bed and apply a bit more oil to your face and beard than you usually would in the morning. Then, let the beard oil work its magic overnight. You’ll wake up to a softer beard and glowing skin in the morning.

Are you looking to use beard oil now? Read through this again and iron out any mishaps you were experiencing.

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